
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Go and Sin No More (not health related)

I’ve been quietly following the Kim Davis story, and I applaud her for standing up for what she believes in….but, she’s doing it wrong.

As a Believer, she is to abstain from sin (all Believers should)…here’s a small list of what she’s not supposed to do:
  • Steal
  • Murder
  • Engage in immoral sexual acts
  • Be a homosexual
  • Be a prostitute
  • Worship idols
  • Be greedy
  • Take the Lord’s name in vain
  • Dishonor her parents
  • Curse, or speak in a hateful or tasteless manner
  • Lie, commit slander, be a hypocrite, gossip, etc.
  • Want anything that belongs to someone else
  • Get drunk in public
  • Brag about your own accomplishments (self-importance) 

She’s also not supposed to be divorced, except in matters of infidelity (either spouse); or commit adultery, herself, which she has done. However, she has only been a Christian for four years; until then, she was of the world, and the rules of Christian life didn’t apply to her….now she is in the world, but not of it, and they all apply. More on that, later.

Kim believes she’s doing God proud by denying a same-sex marriage license, because the Bible states that homosexuality is a sin. However, it is only a sin to those who believe it to be so….the rest of the world doesn’t count. Therefore, it is up to her, as far as her beliefs take her, to not commit that sin, herself; she does not have the right to impose her religious beliefs on those who don’t share them….none of us have that right! And, the couple she denied the marriage license to aren’t going to break up, just because they couldn’t get the license…they will continue with their relationship, despite being denied their legal right to marry.

Here’s how Kim Davis should’ve handled that situation…according to the Bible.

Romans 13:1-3 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you. (NLT)

The governing authorities of the United States have declared that same-sex couples have the right to be married, if they so choose. Kim Davis rebelled against God, in this matter, when she denied that couple their marriage license. And, she’s soaking up the limelight that decision has afforded her.

Don’t get me wrong…I’m not standing in judgment over her; that’s not my place! But, if you’re going to obey God’s Law, you need to obey it completely; which brings me to this point:

Deuteronomy 17:12 Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the Lord your God must die. In this way you will purge the evil from Israel. (NLT)

So….according to Biblical law, Kim Davis should be put to death for rebelling against God, when she refused to submit to the governing authorities of the land. Who’s gonna be her executioner?? (FYI: I'm not suggesting that someone should kill her)

Kim Davis is standing in judgement over same-sex couples; by denying them their marriage licenses, she’s telling them that she is god and she will decide their lives for them. That’s not her place. She’s supposed to do the job she was hired to do….as a Christian, she’s also supposed to pray for people she believes are in sin; she should be praying for God to come into their lives and open their eyes, so that they can turn away from that sin.

I wonder if she’s even thought of that…or is she too busy, being the current “media darling”, to notice where she’s gone wrong?

Another thing about this whole story that irks me, is all these memes of her that cite how much of a hypocrite she is….like this one:

Do your homework, before you call her a hypocrite!! All of those things happened prior to giving her life to Christ….they don’t count, anymore! The only things that count, as she lives her Christian life, are the things she’s been doing in the last four years, and beyond.

When a person gets saved, the life they lived before giving themselves to Christ is washed away…it no longer matters. What God judges us on is how we walk the walk, after declaring Him Lord and Savior of our lives.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new. (CEV)

The sins she commits as a Believer, are the only ones God will hold against her…unless she repents, and turns away from them. This is what I’ll be praying for!

Anyone want to add their two cents in? I welcome all input….and I wish you all a blessed day!!

Friday, September 4, 2015

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

No, this isn't a Blog about the Peanuts Halloween special; although, I am looking forward to watching that, on Halloween (tradition!). But, it is officially pumpkin season, here in the United States, and I'm excited!!

I love Charlie Brown...I love Fall....and I love pumpkins!! Pumpkins are amazing; they're nutritious, delicious and totally versatile!

Here's a brief run-down of just how awesome pumpkins are...

Check out all these amazing benefits!!

Did you see that?? So much goodness to improve your health! And, I love fact sheets...especially the ones that come with recipes; I can't wait to try that smoothie recipe!! LOL!

Some other things I've learned about the wonder that is a pumpkin are as follows:

  • Eating pumpkins reduces the risk of gastric, breast, lung and colorectal cancer, regardless of family history.
  • Eating pumpkins reduces breast cancer risk, in both pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women.
  • Cucurbitacin E, a compound found in pumpkins, has been shown to inhibit triple-negative breast cancer metastasis in the lab, by suppressing cell migration and invasion.
  • Pumpkins contain hypoglycemic substances that may improve diabetes.
  • Intake of orange and yellow vegetables (like pumpkins) may also be protective against prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

I, personally, love eating pumpkins/pumpkin seeds...and I totally wish they had a longer harvesting season. I made sure to collect a few recipes, recently, so I'll have plenty of variety when it comes time to grub on some yumminess!!

Here, let me share them with you:

Pumpkin Pancakes - Chocolate Covered Katie
Raw Vegan Pumpkin Pie - This Rawsome Vegan Life
Nutty Pumpkin Chip Cookies - Happy Healthy Life
Raw Pumpkin Spice Granola - Fragrant Vanilla Cake
Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream - A Calculated Whisk
Gluten-Free Pumpkin Donuts - My Whole Food Life

My goodness....I think I've made myself hungry!! LOL! Have a blessed day, everyone...and don't forget to partake in some pumpkin goodness this Fall!!

FYI - Try to buy organic pumpkins, if you can!