
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's Christmas Eve!

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19 KJV)

As I sit and connect with God, this morning, He brings me to this Scripture, and it got me thinking.

I've often said that it’s not a great idea to assume what God’s doing, or thinking. That means you’re putting yourself in His place, and you believe you know more than He does (I'm guilty of this, myself...but I've learned my lesson!) Lucifer did that....and was thrown out of Heaven for it.

All the time, I hear people ask, “If God's so "all powerful", why does He allow bad things to happen? Why doesn't He just stop them?” Well...if someone comes chasing after you, with a big stick, aren't you going to run for cover?? How do any of us know that maybe God’s allowing all these bad things, because He knows they’ll bring us closer to Him??

The Bible says, in Psalm 9:9, many people are suffering— crushed by the weight of their troubles. But the Lord is a refuge for them, a safe place they can run to. (Easy to Read Version)

Now, I’m not assuming to know what God thinks, or anything...I’m smarter than that! LOL!! But, think about it...the Scripture, above, tells us He does new things to make life a little more bearable!

For instance, consider all these different Bible translations we have available to us, these days. So many people get offended at them, citing that the King James is the ONLY translation there should be; but, how do any of us know that it wasn't God’s idea to create easier to read versions of the Bible??

I’d consider that making “a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert”. Wouldn't you??

See...thanks to all those different variations/translations, more people are getting to know God, because they can finally understand what the Bible is teaching! Granted, some of those translations have left whole verses and chapters out (not good, folks!); but if you can’t understand...

“Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” (Romans 12:16-18 KJV)

you might be able to understand... “Be friendly with everyone. Don’t be proud and feel that you are smarter than others. Make friends with ordinary people. Don’t mistreat someone who has mistreated you. But try to earn the respect of others, and do your best to live at peace with everyone.” (same Scripture, but from the Contemporary English Version)

Folks, we’re not supposed to be fussing with each other over what God’s will is; it’s not our place to assume we know what God is up to, with all that’s going on in the world! That would be usurping OUR will, and claiming it's God's will. We’re only supposed to be concerned with how He wants us to impact the world!

That’s OUR job...the job of the Believer; and, the biggest impact would be to introduce the Savior to those who may not understand that that’s who He is.

We’re also not supposed to stand in judgment over anyone, for any reason, either, and I hear more and more Believers doing that! Jesus' own words to His followers:

Luke 6:37-38 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. (KJV)

Luke 6:37-38 Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults—unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don’t condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you’ll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity. (The Message)

This is what we (the Believers) are supposed to be doing with our time...

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (KJV)

Mark 16:15 And then he told them, “You are to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. (The Living Bible)

The GOOD NEWS (aka: The Gospel) is that Jesus gave up His life, being crucified on the cross and resurrected from the dead, so no human being would have to spend eternity in Hell...we can all go to Heaven! The only “catch” is that you have to believe that...if you don’t receive what Jesus did for you, as the gift it was intended to be, you won’t make it to Heaven.

Not my rules, folks...just the truth!

Jesus even said it.... “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 ESV) The Father is God, and He lives in Heaven; none of us will ever get there, if we don’t believe that Jesus IS the Savior of the world.

The Apostle Paul taught us how to do that...

“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” (Romans 10:9-10 NIV)

You don’t have to change how you live, or think, or dress, or speak. You don’t have to convert to another religion. And you don’t have to “be a better person” before you decide to believe and confess; just do it!! And, I know, some of you are thinking, “Why would anyone give up their own life, for me??” Simple...He did it, because He loves you; and He knew that was the only way to bring you Home.

That was the whole purpose behind His birth...He came down from Heaven to bring us Home!!

John 1:14 And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; and we [actually] saw His glory (His honor, His majesty), such glory as an only begotten son receives from his father, full of grace (favor, loving-kindness) and truth. (AMP)

And, wouldn't you say that a virgin birth was a "new thing"? It only happened once, in the history of mankind!

Enjoy your Christmas holiday!! And, God bless us....every one!


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

Yes, I's still two weeks away! But, if I don't get another Blog post out, by then, I won't get the chance to wish you a Merry, now is as good a time, as any! LOL!!

I do see that it's "Update Time", so here goes...

  • I've lost another 5 lbs (so excited about this!!) I've only got about 65 lbs to go, before I reach my goal!! God is good!
  • I went to the Oncologist's office today, for a check up and a chemo treatment. He says he wants me to have one more treatment, and then we'll take a break.
  • During this break, he wants to run some tests (MRI, CAT Scan, PET Scan, etc.) to see if this chemo drug is doing it's job. I sure hope he tells me I'm in remission!! I don't wanna do chemo anymore...I wanna be healthy!!
  • Still looking for a place to call home, in Knoxville, TN. My sister says that as soon as her hubby finds a job, in Texas, they'll be moving down there. They'll be dropping me off in TN, on their way to TX.
  • I, officially, debuted as an Independent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay, this past Saturday (finally!) I had invited about 10 of my friends, but only two ladies could show up. No worries, though...there will be other parties!! Here's my website, if you want to look around!
  • My Physical Therapist has given me more complex exercises to do! I'm getting stronger...praise God!! She also wants me to stand flat on the wall, for 6 seconds (10 times a day) because I'm still slouching, when I walk.
She says, if I don't strengthen my back muscles,
I'll be hunched over, forever!

  • Standing flat, against the wall like that, uses muscles that don't want to be used! But, the more I do it, the stronger they'll get...and it won't hurt so much, after a while.
  • I'm also practicing walking short distances, without the cane...I'm not doing too bad with that, either!!
  • And, I can now fix my own meals, as long as I'm not standing for more than 5 minutes (cereal, soup, toast, re-heating leftovers, etc)...I don't like using the microwave, but it's coming in REAL handy, right now!! LOL!!
I really should have my sister take pictures of my next PT session...that way, you can see my progress! I told her, come Spring, I want to start walking to and from the mailbox, outside.

So, there ya have it! If the muse hits me, I'll be Blogging a Christmas message...if not, I wish you a Merry Christmas (again)!! Love you, all....God bless you!!


Friday, November 1, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Yes, that’s right…I’m finally home, again; I've been home for a week, now!! Thank God!!

And, boy, do I have a blog for you, today!

After surgery, I rehabbed at a place called Pebble Creek, in Akron; it’s only about a 20 minute drive from my sister’s house. I wanted to go back to Edwin Shaw, which is where I rehabbed, last year; but, my insurance company wouldn't cover it. They gave me a ton of grief over a few things, while I was recovering from surgery! I’m seriously considering switching insurance companies (on the Medicaid program, you have the luxury of switching insurance companies)!!

While I was at Pebble Creek, I developed a few health concerns…I spent the better part of those 2 months throwing everything up, having hot flashes, and going through major panic attacks; all of which the house doctor medicated me for, without running any tests to find out why I was experiencing these issues. I kept telling everyone I've never had these issues, before, and it wasn't what it looked like, but (of course) no one would listen. I've never experienced anything like that, before, so I knew something was a bit off…but, since no one would listen to me, nothing was done about it.

I also came down with pneumonia, while I was at Pebble Creek…pneumonia!!! I've never, in all my 40+ years, have ever had to deal with pneumonia; I was only in the hospital for that, for a week, but still!!! And, I’m still recovering from it, too…my lungs aren't quite as strong, now, as they were, before; my sister said the best respiratory therapy for me would be to sing. And, since I like music so much, it’ll be the most fun way to build my lungs back up, too! LOL!!

Now that I’m back home, I've been set up with a Nurse, a Physical Therapist, and an Occupational Therapist, for home care. And, I've got a walker, for around the house; and a wheelchair for shopping, and errands. Every once in a while, I dare the devil and walk a short distance without my walker, but that’s incredibly difficult to do, at this time! My PT says we’re going to have to work a lot on building strength in my legs, so I’m not leaning on my walker so much, when I use it.

Hopefully, I won’t need to use the walker, or the wheelchair, for much longer!

My appetite is getting better, too…slowly. The food at Pebble Creek was atrocious!!  Every meal they made for us was cooked; they hardly gave us any fresh fruits and veggies, at all! And it was all cooked WAY too much…tasteless, soggy, and inedible. It’s no wonder I spent all that time throwing up!

My sister’s been feeding me lots of raw foods (fresh fruits and veggies), and I have eaten a few cooked things; although, the cooked things at home are still making my stomach turn, from time to time. My sister says it’s because my brain has been trained to think that cooked food is gross, because of the two months I spent throwing up at Pebble Creek. I’ll reprogram it, soon!

Oh, and my insurance company! Not only would they not pay for MY choice of rehab facility, they made a decision to discontinue covering my pain medications, after I got back from having pneumonia. See…I was at Pebble Creek, then went to the hospital with pneumonia, then I went back to Pebble Creek. When I got back, my insurance company refused to cover most of my medications; the in-house doctor fought hard for me, too…he convinced them that I NEEDED those medications, and they gave in. Can you blame me for wanting to switch companies??

The plus side of the time I spent at Pebble Creek, is that because I spent all that time throwing up, I actually lost 20 lbs! Not that I would've wanted to lose weight that way, but I can work with it!! LOL!!

Now that I've been home, for a week, I’m slowly getting stronger in a lot of areas; the carpet is difficult to walk on, with my walker, but that’s helping me build up my strength. And, last night, I actually slept in my own bed!! I've been “living in” the recliner, since coming home, because my back still isn't too keen on laying down. But, I positioned my bed so that the head was elevated a little, and slept the whole night! I wasn't going to bother with it, but God spoke to my heart, and encouraged me to try…I’m glad I listened!! LOL!!

And, I've begun another round of chemo…yesterday was my first dose; this time I’m being given Ixempra. I don’t know how long I’ll be doing this round, or what it’s going to do to me, but I should be hearing my doctor tell me “It’s gone!”, early next year!! I’m excited about that!!

Not too thrilled to be doing this, again...but it beats the heck out of dying!!

I also told my Oncologist I was going to wait to move to Knoxville, TN because I wanted to be cancer free when I get down there; that way my new medical team will only have to help me stay healthy, rather than help me fight the disease. He said he liked that idea! Of course, the actual timing of my move is all up to God…I’ll go, when HE says it’s time.

Well, I do hope you have a fantastic day, today! Thanks for keeping up with me! God bless you! oxoxox

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Ok, so…it’s update time; again, sorry it's been so long between Blogs. I bet the title of this Blog caught your attention, didn't it?? LOL!

Let’s back up, just a bit, first. Many of you know, I was admitted back into the hospital, for more surgery (last month). Cancer got aggressive on me, and even surprised my Oncologist; so I am now the proud owner of two cages, and a thoracic/lumbar fusion bar (it has taken the place of my spine, between my rib cage and my hips. Surgery went well, and I spent a few weeks in ICU (mostly because they didn't have a room for me, elsewhere).

I’m in so much pain, with my new and improved body; the surgeon practically gutted me, to do what he needed to do! The staff at the hospital were amazing, as always; they took real good care of me! The healing process will take some time, but this too shall pass!!

Everything’s a learning experience, now…getting in and out of bed is the hardest part. I haven’t quite got used to pushing myself up to a sitting position, while struggling through the pain of movement. But, it’s only been a few weeks, so I’ll just have to give myself permission to struggle. Log rolling is ridiculous!! LOL!

My back is at a point where I can’t lay flat, at this time, because the pain is (once again) unbearable; so, I've made that a goal of mine. I will become strong enough to lay down, flat, in bed. I wish you could've seen the look on my face, when I woke up from surgery, and discovered that I was laying a bed. I was elated!! Just knowing that I could lay down, in bed, was amazing!! LOL!

I've moved into a place called Pebble Creek Nursing and Rehab Center, to recover from surgery and regain some mobility; they hooked me up with Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy; the Speech Therapy is more for learning how to swallow my food. I was intubated, for surgery, so the muscles in my throat got weak. She’s helping me learn to take baby bites, and has encouraged me to drink after each one; I've also noticed, my appetite has changed! I can’t eat as much as I used to be able to…bonus!! This will, undoubtedly, help me lose weight!

Whatever I do, throughout the day, gets me all sweaty, now…and this is no exaggeration! I can break a sweat, doing my deep breathing exercises! I think I scare the staff, sometimes, with all that. Here, again…you never really know what the body is capable of doing, until you can’t do it, anymore. Last year, I had to re-learn everything, from the start; this time is no exception. I am, literally, re-learning the art of being a human; limitations and all. They’ve got me all set up, though…lots of equipment, and tools to use, to help me out. Stellar staff, here, too!!

And, yes…yesterday, I walked! This whole time, I’ve been struggling to move around, thinking (and starting to believe) that I wasn’t going to be able to move, much, now. God’s been dealing with me on a wide range of emotions, during this part of my journey!

Yesterday, during PT, my coach said, “I’m gonna go get the walker, and we’re gonna take a few steps. Just to see where we’re at.” She joined me in my struggle. As I began to move my feet along the floor, she smiled at me…first two steps, done. I kept going; not paying any attention to anything, except….every time Jesus told a crippled person to get up and walk, they did. I’m not crippled, just temporarily set back.

My Therapist’s face lit up, once she heard me say I needed to sit back down; she had another Therapist walk with us, and bring my wheelchair along. They were both pretty impressed with me! It wasn't me…it was God; the only thing I can take credit for is the praying I do.

God doesn't want me stuck in bed, for the rest of my life. I have things to do, people to see, and a life to live! I have a message to deliver for Him; and I can’t do that, if I can’t get around. Yesterday, I walked about 3 ft.

Today is a brand new day! Enjoy this day, and be blessed!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Greetings!! I am compelled to tell you, I'm back in the hospital. There seems to be a tumor, on my L-1 vertebrae, that insists on causing trouble for me. My Surgeon tells me I'm going to lose that vertebrae, as well. Looks like I'll have a matching set of cages, now! LOL!

All joking aside, back in March, I wrote a Blog about my addiction to processed and convenience foods; in the last five months, my condition went from great to "uh-oh", because I slipped back into my old eating habits. You can read that Blog, here. When I recover from this surgery, I'm going full-on health freak, and never looking back!! Orthorexia here I come! God said "this sickness will not end in death", last year. I'm holding Him to it!!


If I'm going to live, and bring glory to God, I'm going to have to practice what I've been preaching to you. I can't be The Savvy Survivor, if I'm not outsmarting a disease intent on killing me! I've even written a few Blogs about keeping your pH balanced, and how that's been proven to stave off diseases. So, I need to get serious about this, or my Granddaughter will grow up, not knowing who I am! And, THAT is not an option!!

I apologize to all of you, as well. Being a slave to unhealthy eating habits, as I post Blogs, and messages on Facebook, about clean eating, and how to fight off cancer with this approach and that nutrient, makes me a hypocrite; and I am ashamed of myself for that. I hope you can forgive me!

I will keep you posted, as events take place. Have a blessed day!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Pain of Waiting

Ohmygoodness!! As I'm writing this, I'm experiencing a monsterous cramp, in the back of my right hip! OWWW! This is what I've been dealing with for the last 5 weeks!

It all started during "Atlanta Weekend" (last weekend of June). I thought it was just a temporary thing, because during my flight from Akron to Knoxville (meeting up with my oldest daughter), my plane lost altitude, suddenly. I'm not kidding...we literally fell out of the sky! Scared all the passengers, and of course, I tensed up. Who wouldn't, right??

So, I hobbled through the weekend, expecting to get back to normal, once I returned home. I was wrong. The entire month of July, whatever this is that's happening, got progressively worse! And, I don't even know what caused it!!

What happens is like this...I feel tightness in my lower back, buttocks, hips, and thighs (kind of like a charlie horse) and while these muscles are tight, they spasm! Sometimes the spasms come first, but not always; and recently, my calves, and feet, have been twitchy, as, it's spreading. At first, it only happened at night, then it began happening right around lunch, I'm in the pain zone all day. I've even been woke up by charlie horse sensations, in the middle of the night! Not nice!!

I've asked my Surgeon to call in a prescription for Skelaxin, after clearing it with my Oncologist. My sister uses it, and she gave me one, one afternoon; it felt so good to move without being in pain!! And, my Oncologist said it wouldn't interfere with the chemo pill. But, I'm still waiting for my insurance company to approve the prescription! I've been waiting for about a week, now...I didn't have to wait THIS long for my Xeloda to be approved!!

This whatever it is has significantly limited my activities. It takes me twice as long as normal to get from the recliner to the bathroom, now; and traveling anywhere is agony!! I've even had to spend the night in the recliner (now I sleep there, every night), because laying down in my bed is impossible, without dealing with excruciating pain! And, until I can get some relief, I won't be very active...which, consequently, will make my condition worse...and/or cause more problems.

I've been trying to get in to see my Surgeon, so he can run some tests to see if we can (hopefully) discover what's gone wrong, but his schedule has been totally screwy, lately; he's had to reschedule me five times! Hopefully, I'll be able to see him, next week! It's been a year, since my surgery....I shouldn't be having this issue!!

Something is very wrong...and I hope it can be fixed!!

On a brighter note, I think I've found my "magic number" with my chemo pill, Xeloda! I can tolerate four pills a day, as long as they're spaced apart. So, I take two pills in the morning, and two in the evening; I just hope my Oncologist is ok with this! LOL! I'm feeling good, other than the muscle thing! And, I'm looking forward to him telling me, "it's gone!"

Have a great weekend, my loves! I'll keep you updated, as soon as I know anything!

God bless you! oxoxox

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Few Small Updates

Good morning, my loves! I just wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some things...the first "small update" is BIG news!!

My granddaughter has been born! She came into the world two days ago, and is the light of my life! Per my youngest daughter's wishes, I am not permitted to show you any pictures; but her name is Alice, and she weighed 8 lbs 2 oz at birth. She's beautiful!! And, officially speaking as a newborn Grammy...I can't wait to see my little angel; I'll be heading to Atlanta, in September, for the official meet-n-greet!

Next chemo pill (Xeloda) is officially kicking my butt!! I was so tired, last night, I went to bed at 9:30pm (I can typically stay up until midnight). I've been able to tolerate four pills a day (haven't thrown up, yet); so after this bottle is empty, I'll take a break for a week, and start the next bottle, taking five pills a day.

My Oncologist wants to try and get me back up to six pills a day, if I can tolerate it. So far, on this reduced dose, the only side effects I'm experiencing are some minor hair loss and serious fatigue.

Last update...still praying that God will open doors for me to be able to move to Knoxville, by the end of the year. Of course, I understand that it's all about His timing, not mine. But, I've discovered that most of the apartments I qualify for have dishwashers, and some have washer/dryer hookups!

I've also discovered that there's a "Whole Foods" type store in the Knoxville area that will take food stamps (being on disability, I had to go on food stamps to be able to feed myself); and I'll be living within the city limits, so I'll be able to take the bus wherever I need to go...which will come in handy, since I don't own a vehicle! LOL!

I'm totally excited about the new life God has planned for me! And, I'm completely grateful that He continues to give me another day! I'm blessed beyond measure, and glad I can share my life with you!!

Have a great day!! oxoxox

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Oops...My Life, a Month Later

Good morning! The last Blog I wrote was on June 10, 2013; it's exactly one month later. Sorry for the extended absence, I’m afraid I've had a case of writer’s block! LOL!

Not so, today…for the past two nights, I've had the same dream. In this dream, the last thing someone says to me is, “You've got your family, your friends, even your fans online….we (pointing to his wife, and himself) don’t have anyone! It’s just us!” and then, the dream fades away. I don't know who they are, or even if they're actual people; but what he said, and how he said it, broke my heart!

He sounded rather invidious that I've got all these wonderful people in my life, to support and encourage me, through whatever life throws at me. He was undeniably upset about something, although I don’t remember any other part of the dream. I also thought it was interesting that I've had this same dream, two nights in a row; so, I prayed for him and his wife, not even knowing if they were real people. I asked God to open their hearts to the truth, and show them that because they have each other, they have all they need; then I prayed that someone would come into their lives and share the love of Christ with them, so that if they're not saved they would have that opportunity….and make a new friend, to add to their support system, in the process.

I also prayed that, whatever situation they were facing that had them so distressed, would be resolved; and that God would show them favor. It’s a real blessing to be shown the favor of the Lord! I wish I could remember the rest of the dream…I could pray through their situation, if I could remember what was happening to them! Oh, well…if they are real people, and are going through something real, God can take care of it!

This recurrent dream of mine, got me thinking about my own situation, with breast cancer. I am so blessed to have such a strong support system in my family, my friends, and even you!! I want you to know, I truly appreciate having you in my life!

Having breast cancer has become more a blessing in disguise, than a curse; not only have I learned what it takes to take care of myself the way God intended, but He also opened the door for me to share this information with you, and the rest of the world. He continues to open doors for me, blessing me with much more than I deserve...and I am grateful!

I’m reminded of what the doctor at the hospital said, the day he told me “Yep, it’s breast cancer, and it’s in Stage 4”, he also said “This is what you’ll die from”. It’s been a year, folks…I was diagnosed on July 3, 2012!! I’m still alive and well, today, because God’s got a plan for my life, and He’s not done yet!

And, since I'm here, I may as well update you...I'm on another cycle of chemo. This one's a pill called Xeloda; I started taking them the last week of June, and I'm supposed to take six pills...three in the morning, and three at night. I quickly found out that that was too much to handle!

During the last weekend of June, my girls and I spent time together. It was an interesting weekend (possibly another Blog post); on that Friday, I was throwing up all day! I stopped taking the Xeloda, and realized that what was happening to me was a side effect; so I went without, for the rest of the weekend.

These two pictures are of the skyline, outside our hotel room. Isn't it gorgeous??

I got home on Monday (July 1st) and began taking a significantly reduced dose of this drug; my Oncologist had suggested that I could reduce the dosage, on pill at a time, if I got sick on the six pills a day. However, I really didn't feel comfortable experimenting on myself, like that! I don't want to keep throwing up until I've found the "magic" number! So, I reduced my dosage to one pill in the morning, and another at night. I'm not throwing up, and I feel pretty good!

I have an appointment with him, this Friday, and will be discussing my experiences on this drug. He may want me to increase the dose to the point of getting sick, and then back down, just so we can see how strong a dose I can handle, since I'm supposed to be taking six pills a day. But, I can't speculate...I'll just have to wait until Friday and see what he says. I'll make sure to keep you updated on all of that!

Hey, I'm going to go tackle my day, now. I haven't been up for that long, but I'm feeling like it's time for breakfast! LOL! You have a fantastic day, today...and may God bless you, abundantly!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Longest Blog Post I've Ever Written

I don’t know who’s going to read this, or what your views are, as far as believing in a Higher Power; but, I believe in a being called God, and I believe in The Bible. So, as I explain what’s on my heart, I’m going to be using Scripture references from that book, to help me convey my message. I hope that, regardless of what your spiritual beliefs are, you will take time to read this. It would make me very happy to know that you were open-minded enough to hear me out, even though you don’t believe in the same Higher Power as I do.

I love you! I just want to make that clear…I don’t care who you are, or what there is about you that I don’t fully appreciate, I still love you. John Keats said “I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for their religion – I have shudder’d at it. I shudder no more. I could be martyr’d for my religion; love is my religion. And I could die for that. I could die for you.” I could, too!

The Dalai Lama teaches about peace, love and compassion. Jesus also taught about love. Jesus said, and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these. This is the Law of Love (Mark 12:30-31)…and this is the law I live my life by. Love is MY religion.

I have often said, I do not have to agree with certain aspects that make you who you are, in order to love you. And I stand by that! If one of my friends was a serial killer, I certainly wouldn't agree with their lifestyle, but I would still love them…same with an habitual liar; I don’t appreciate that quality about a person, but I can still love them, despite their shortcomings. Or, you may be one of those few who does something that annoys me, or makes me uncomfortable around you (I wish you wouldn't be that way!)…but I still love you, regardless.

To love someone does not mean you have to accept who they are, or how they live their life; that’s not what love is. If there is something about you that I cannot accept, it doesn’t mean that I don’t love you; and not accepting something about you does not make me judgmental, either! One of my favorite movie quotes is when Forrest Gump says, “I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.”

This is what love is…

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, or boastful, or proud, or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

"It does not demand its own way"…for anyone to say that we have to accept them for who they are, when we tell them we love them, is demanding your own way; and that is not love. That reminds me of the recent article about the homosexual couple who are suing a bakery for turning away their business; this couple is not walking in love, because they are demanding to get their own way, knowing that this particular bakery is run by folks who view homosexuality as a sin.

This belief doesn't mean the bakers are being bigots, or unfair; it just means they’re standing by their beliefs and what the Bible says. And, by law, they don’t have to serve anyone (even straight people), if they choose not to!

Love is not tolerant of sin, but will also not hold it against us (that's the patient part, and the not keeping a record of being  wronged part). Yes, I said “us”; I’m not perfect, but I try my best. Lord knows, I fail Him daily; I’m sure there are certain things about the way I live that upset Him, or make Him uncomfortable…but, I know He loves me.

He loves all of us, regardless of how we live our lives; but He doesn't want us to live in sinI know He expects us to correct the things that He’s does not approve of, because we are His Children. That’s the key…do you love your parents? As a child, did it make you feel good, knowing that they were proud of you, when you lived up to their standards? We CAN be loving toward each other. It’s very simple, too.

If you know they’re uncomfortable with foul language…don’t use it, when you’re around them. If you know that dressing a certain way will make someone you know uncomfortable, when you’re around them, try to dress in a way that makes them feel more secure around you. If you know talking about politics, is a sore subject for them, don’t bring it up in conversation! I’m facing a moment in my life where I’m going to have to practice that very thing; I’m going to Georgia, the end of this month.

My youngest daughter told me her boyfriend’s mother wants to meet me, while I’m there. Yay…super excited about this!! I've also been instructed to avoid certain conversation topics…namely, God and the Bible. The woman is an Atheist, and apparently views anyone who discusses God, or the Bible, as being an odd sort. Since this will be my first impression, of course, I’m going to want to make a good one….I’ll need to dress well, be polite and respectful, and refrain from preaching.

Just to make this clear, I’m not going to approach her coming off as someone who is phony; but, putting someone in an uncomfortable situation, because you can’t (or won’t) refrain from talking about things they’re uncomfortable listening to, is not a loving gesture! That conversation becomes all about you, and what you know…not about sharing what you know with them. So, I've decided that the conversations she and I will have with each other will be anything she wants to talk about! I’m sure we’ll get along just fine...we even have something in common; we're going to be Grandmothers!!

With that being said, if I've made anyone uncomfortable with this Note, I do apologize! However, I think I've managed to keep it “user friendly” for anyone…including non-Believers. We are all human beings, after all. Which brings me to my next point.

I’m sure, by now, we've all heard about the Coexist Movement. But, do any of us truly know what this movement is all about? Those involved in the movement claim that all human kind needs to be tolerant of all religions; why is this movement only interested in uniting the world’s religions?? Do you honestly know what “coexist” means, or are you just regurgitating a mantra, because it sounds nice?

The Dictionary says the word “coexist” means 1) to exist at the same time or in the same place; and 2) to exist in mutual tolerance despite different ideologies or interests (of nations or peoples).

Well, by definition, #1…we already do! We’re here, in the here and now, sharing the same planet. And, #2…that will only happen when we set our differences aside and learn to work as a people, known as the human race. As long as we separate ourselves by way of religions, political affiliations, social status, skin colors, nationalities, invisible borders, etc. (notice I used more than just religion as a factor) we will never coexist. It just can’t happen. Until we’re dead. I believe in Heaven, and Hell; and the inhabitants of both realms coexist with each other….Heaven with Heaven, Hell with Hell.

In Heaven (as in Hell), or the After Life (whatever you call it), we are all the same…there are no differences between us; no political parties, no religious denominations, no alternate “lifestyle choices”, no separate races/nationalities; and no gender differences, or different skin colors, either. We are all THE SAME! The only difference between those who are in Heaven, and those who are in Hell, is that the folks in Heaven aren't being tortured for eternity….according to the Bible, anyway. Remember, I did say that this would be a reference for me, during this Note, because I believe in what it says.

I have a lot of young friends who are quick to tease about being sent to Hell. They’ll say something, or do something that isn't entirely wholesome, and then quip “I’m going to Hell for that!” This is one of those annoyances I mentioned, earlier. I was taught that the only reason any of us would go to Hell, is if we die without accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior…that, and deliberately living a wicked life, will send anyone to Hell! So, when I hear people tease about the things that will send them to Hell, it gets on my nerves! But, if they don’t know any better, who am I to judge them…and I love them, anyway! LOL!

And the one thing that I can’t stand about society, as a whole, is the belief that if you don’t accept someone’s lifestyle choices, mannerisms, views, etc. it means that you are a bigot, a racist, or prejudiced in some form or fashion. That simply isn't true; it just means you have differing ideals than the rest of us.

For instance, the American government now has the belief that if we disagree with anything the President says or does, it automatically qualifies us as being racist, because he’s black (well, half black). Now, I’m sure that there are some folks who are racist, and that’s why they don’t agree with him…but for those of us who are not racist, being called a racist simply because we don’t agree with him, is pathetic...ans insulting! I don’t like what he's doing to my country, at all…but he is a flesh and blood human being; therefore, I love him, as a fellow human….as my neighbor (refer to the Scripture reference (Mark 12:30-31) above).

Obviously, I don’t know if you believe in Heaven, or Hell, but because I do, I gotta tell ya…I’d much rather spend eternity in Heaven, than in Hell. Using what I've been taught, I’ll give you a description of both places…you can, then, see why I've chosen Heaven!

What is Hell Like?
  • Think of the worst smelling thing, on the face of the earth, and multiply that by 1,000,000.
  • The Bible describes Hell as a fiery oven, the pit of darkness, a burning wind, and an unquenchable fire.
  • It also says that those who end up there, will NOT get another chance to enter Heaven. It’s too late for them; they chose their destiny, and they’re stuck with it.
  • Everyone who is stuck in Hell will be tortured and tormented for all eternity…no rest, no refreshment, and no peace. And, there are different levels of Hell, depending on how bad you were, while you were a human being.

An artist's rendition of Hell

What is Heaven Like?
  • In Heaven there is no sickness, death, poverty, hunger, loneliness, sadness, hate, etc.
  • In the book of Revelations, the Bible describes what Heaven looks like. I think it looks beautiful!! (Revelation 21:11-27)

o   It shone with the glory of God and sparkled like a precious stone—like jasper as clear as crystal. (v 11)
o   The wall was made of jasper, and the city was pure gold, as clear as glass. (v 18)
o   The wall of the city was built on foundation stones inlaid with twelve precious stones: the first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. (v 19-20)
o   The twelve gates were made of pearls - each gate from a single pearl! And the main street was pure gold, as clear as glass. (v 21)
o   And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the glory of God illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light. (v 23)

An artist's rendition of Heaven

There’s nothing beautiful about Hell, and none of us will be partying once we’re there.

However, there will be a HUGE party, in Heaven! According to the Bible, Jesus spoke in parables, so the people of that day could understand what He was telling them about God and the Kingdom of Heaven. In one parable, He said the King is preparing a Great Feast for everyone…the King had invited many people, but most had made excuses as to why they couldn't make it; and, there were some who deliberately tortured and/or killed the messengers the King had sent out to extend the invitation. Those who have rejected the King’s invitation will be thrown into the outer darkness (a reference to Hell).

I’m all about speaking the truth…I did say lying was a pet peeve of mine, right? I know some of you won’t accept what I've said, and you might even get angry with me for saying it, but I refuse to water down the truth. That would be like saying, “It’s not something I would do, but I’m not you”….instead of saying, “that’s not right, and you shouldn't do it!” (This is not being judgmental…this is called correction)

Folks…according to what I've been taught, God (or what/whoever it is) expects us to live a morally upright life. Morals are not subject to interpretation, either; right is right, and wrong is wrong. If something was wrong, back in the day…it is still wrong, in this day! And, to believe that morals change with the times, is to be a fool! Lusting after someone you’re not in a relationship with is morally wrong; as is being a liar, a thief, a bigot, a hypocrite, a murderer, a sexual deviant, etc. Wrong is wrong....period!!

Think of God as you would a good parent…a good parent will not tolerate their child’s bad behavior, even though they love their child; instead they will punish them, for what they've done wrong, and then discipline them to know why that behavior was unacceptable, and how to avoid getting into trouble again. They teach their children to raise their standards, because they want them to have a good life.

If we want to get to Heaven, we have to live our human lives by God’s standards…not by human standards. I’m just as culpable as any of you; I know I don’t live 100% according to God’s standards, but that is my goal. I want to live my life with the hope that one day He’ll look at me and say He’s proud of me for doing so well. Then I’ll be allowed into Heaven.

Here’s a list of the people who will NOT be allowed into Heaven, according to the Bible (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)….
  • the unrighteous - one who violates justice; also one who is an habitual liar/deceiver
  • the fornicator – prostitutes (that’s literally what the term for fornicator mean, in this verse!)
  • the idolater – a worshiper of false gods; anyone who puts anything above God, in their life
  • the adulterer – one who is faithless and ungodly
  • the effeminate – men who don’t act like men (they appear, and behave, as women); also a man who subjects his body to unnatural lewdness

o   “unnatural lewdness” - indecency, unchastity, incontinence, fleshliness, vulgarity, lechery, wantonness, lubricity, lasciviousness, aphrodisia, bodily appetite, libidinousness, sensuality, licentiousness, voluptuousness, lecherousness, profligacy, dissoluteness, obscenity, salacity, scurrility, coarseness, carnal passion, grossness, boorishness, sensuous desire, vileness, salaciousness, pornography, fleshly lust, depravity, brutishness, lustfulness, carnality, ruttishness, pederasty, nymphomania, pruriency, prurience, incontinency, corruptness, satyriasis, corruption, raunchiness, unnatural desires, dirtiness, ribaldry, incest, indelicacy, incestuousness, concupiscence, eroticism, sadism
  •   the abuser of oneself with mankind – one who lies with a male as with a female, sodomite
    • A sodomite is a person who engages in lascivious behavior, is unloving/abusive to others, one who degrades or humiliates others, a person who engages in bestiality (sex with animals)
  • the thief – persons who embezzles (misappropriates, misuses, cheats, etc), pilfers (steals, takes things that are not theirs to take, poaches); also, a person who does not care to instruct others, but abuses their confidence for their own gain
  • the covetous – people who are not satisfied with what they have, and want more (especially if it belongs to someone else)
  • the drunkard – alcoholics; those who intentionally get intoxicated
  • the reviler/railer – a person who expresses objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language
  • the extortionist – a person who commits extortion (coercion, blackmail, a shakedown)

According to what I've been taught, unless those people turn away from their sins, and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they are going to Hell (whomever they are); the choice to do so, or not, is theirs. God gave us all something called “free will”, which is the right to choose for ourselves how we want to live our lives.

You don’t have to accept that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and that we need to turn from those sins and live according to God’s standards, but I sure hope you do! This is why I will always share what I've learned, because I don’t want to see anyone go to Hell, when they die!

Once you've received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and have turned away from your sins, God counts you blameless, and righteous…so, if you are one of those people who are destined for Hell, and you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior (and you turn away from your sins), nothing you did prior to that moment matters anymore, and you are now destined for Heaven, now that you are “in Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:17)!

And, if you slip up, all you have to do is repent (apologize for goofing up), and try harder to abstain from sin, from then on. I make it a practice to do that, several times a week…because I just don’t know what behaviors I've done, that He’s frowned upon!

If we could all learn to live by the Law of Love (Mark 12:30-31) and stop being so critical, compassionless, and/or verbally abusive toward each other…the human race would accomplish SOOOO much! And, yes…even non-Believers can love their neighbors, as they would love themselves.

Sorry this one was so long…but, this was something that was laying heavy on my heart, and I just knew I needed to share it with you! God bless you for reading it all the way through!! LOL!!

Love you!! oxoxox