
Saturday, September 14, 2013


Ok, so…it’s update time; again, sorry it's been so long between Blogs. I bet the title of this Blog caught your attention, didn't it?? LOL!

Let’s back up, just a bit, first. Many of you know, I was admitted back into the hospital, for more surgery (last month). Cancer got aggressive on me, and even surprised my Oncologist; so I am now the proud owner of two cages, and a thoracic/lumbar fusion bar (it has taken the place of my spine, between my rib cage and my hips. Surgery went well, and I spent a few weeks in ICU (mostly because they didn't have a room for me, elsewhere).

I’m in so much pain, with my new and improved body; the surgeon practically gutted me, to do what he needed to do! The staff at the hospital were amazing, as always; they took real good care of me! The healing process will take some time, but this too shall pass!!

Everything’s a learning experience, now…getting in and out of bed is the hardest part. I haven’t quite got used to pushing myself up to a sitting position, while struggling through the pain of movement. But, it’s only been a few weeks, so I’ll just have to give myself permission to struggle. Log rolling is ridiculous!! LOL!

My back is at a point where I can’t lay flat, at this time, because the pain is (once again) unbearable; so, I've made that a goal of mine. I will become strong enough to lay down, flat, in bed. I wish you could've seen the look on my face, when I woke up from surgery, and discovered that I was laying a bed. I was elated!! Just knowing that I could lay down, in bed, was amazing!! LOL!

I've moved into a place called Pebble Creek Nursing and Rehab Center, to recover from surgery and regain some mobility; they hooked me up with Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy; the Speech Therapy is more for learning how to swallow my food. I was intubated, for surgery, so the muscles in my throat got weak. She’s helping me learn to take baby bites, and has encouraged me to drink after each one; I've also noticed, my appetite has changed! I can’t eat as much as I used to be able to…bonus!! This will, undoubtedly, help me lose weight!

Whatever I do, throughout the day, gets me all sweaty, now…and this is no exaggeration! I can break a sweat, doing my deep breathing exercises! I think I scare the staff, sometimes, with all that. Here, again…you never really know what the body is capable of doing, until you can’t do it, anymore. Last year, I had to re-learn everything, from the start; this time is no exception. I am, literally, re-learning the art of being a human; limitations and all. They’ve got me all set up, though…lots of equipment, and tools to use, to help me out. Stellar staff, here, too!!

And, yes…yesterday, I walked! This whole time, I’ve been struggling to move around, thinking (and starting to believe) that I wasn’t going to be able to move, much, now. God’s been dealing with me on a wide range of emotions, during this part of my journey!

Yesterday, during PT, my coach said, “I’m gonna go get the walker, and we’re gonna take a few steps. Just to see where we’re at.” She joined me in my struggle. As I began to move my feet along the floor, she smiled at me…first two steps, done. I kept going; not paying any attention to anything, except….every time Jesus told a crippled person to get up and walk, they did. I’m not crippled, just temporarily set back.

My Therapist’s face lit up, once she heard me say I needed to sit back down; she had another Therapist walk with us, and bring my wheelchair along. They were both pretty impressed with me! It wasn't me…it was God; the only thing I can take credit for is the praying I do.

God doesn't want me stuck in bed, for the rest of my life. I have things to do, people to see, and a life to live! I have a message to deliver for Him; and I can’t do that, if I can’t get around. Yesterday, I walked about 3 ft.

Today is a brand new day! Enjoy this day, and be blessed!!