
Saturday, October 24, 2015


"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 (NLT)

This Blog highlights a few points that I've learned upon watching the docu-series, The Truth about Cancer: A Global Quest. I thought I had learned a lot, since beginning my own cancer journey...but this docu-series blew my mind!! Let me share some of what I've learned...

1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will get cancer, sometime in their life. Ok...wait; half of the male population, and 1/3 of the female population...of the world...will get cancer?? That's insane!!

Mainstream medicine is only given 1 hour of education on nutrition. The word “doctor” actually means…teacher.

“One of the first duties of a physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.”  ~ William Osler (one of the founding professors of Johns Hopkins Medical Center)

Mainstream medical professionals, today, get taught to prescribe medications…not to educate their patients on ways to keep themselves healthy.

Over a century ago the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations engineered the curriculum of medical schools through grants and donations (The Flexner Report – 1910). When the money is coming from a source which has a vested interest in the outcome, the outcome will be what the donor wants it to be.

There used to be homeopathic medical schools, as well as conventional medical schools, about a century ago; but, the Carnegie's and the Rockefeller's were interested in establishing a “one size fits all” system. The natural health colleges weren’t putting enough emphasis on patented drugs and pharmaceuticals, which were being manufactured by Big Pharma; and, all Big Pharma companies are funded by the Carnegie and Rockefeller corporations. Do you smell a rat??

They convinced the American Medical Association to begin shutting down those colleges; and as soon as the AMA began to target the homeopathic colleges, the Carnegie and Rockefeller corporations began to shower billions of dollars on the colleges that taught drug-intensive curriculum. Upon distributing those generous donations, these corporations would place staff members on the college’s Boards of Directors to assure that their donations were being used “properly”; these new members continued to be on the payroll of those corporations, as well.

Unfortunately, money talks quite loudly. Once the new Board Members were in place, the curriculum that was being taught was drastically shifted in the direction of pharmaceuticals….no more lessons on the health and well-being of the patient. And the colleges/universities that were given the highest donations turned out the most highly recognized doctors. This is not a coincidence, folks.

By 1925, over 10,000 herbalists were out of business. By 1940, over 1,500 chiropractors would be prosecuted…the charge was practicing quackery. The 22 homeopathic practitioners in 1900, dwindled down to just 2, by 1923. By 1950, all the schools teaching homeopathy were closed. And it was well-known that if a physician did not graduate from a Flexner-approved medical school, they couldn’t find a job…anywhere.

Most mainstream doctors today don’t realize that the medical school they graduated from is nothing more than Big Pharma’s lap dog…because they don’t understand this history; it's conveniently left out of the curriculum. Now, the only approved treatments are those that are created by Big Pharma; if anyone tries to find alternative treatments, their insurance companies deny them coverage.

Disease is nothing more than a marketplace, and the present day healthcare industry was built on that one, simple premise. The success of this business model hinges solely on the continuation and spreading of present day diseases, and the creation of new ones. Without those two directions, the medical establishment would go belly-up.

In 1913, the American Medical Association developed an internal department that they called the “propaganda department”; its main goal was to eliminate quacks…which was anyone who didn’t line up with Big Pharma’s agenda. What is “quackery”, anyway??

George Washington died as a result of blood-letting, which was an approved treatment back in that day. Ignaz Semmelweis (July 1, 1818 – August 13, 1865) was the first person to suggest that doctors wash their hands before performing surgery; he was labeled a quack, ridiculed by his colleagues (they considered his findings improbable and unscientific), and eventually went mad! Now, hand washing is standard protocol for surgeons.

And, nowadays, any doctor who does not prescribe chemotherapy to a cancer patient is also considered a quack.

Chemotherapy was first discovered in the early 1940s because in Italy, nitrogen mustard gas was dropped from aircraft to destroy the enemy; during autopsies, it was discovered that the lymphocytes of those men were drastically decreased. Someone then got the bright idea to create a synthetic drug that acts much the same way as the mustard gas, to treat cancer patients.

Did you know that 90% of Oncologists today would never prescribe any chemotherapy drug for their own families, or for themselves? But, they’ll jump at the chance to prescribe it for us.

In 1971, President Nixon declared a war on cancer; but we’re not any closer to winning that war now, than we were back then. One of the reasons this war continues is because of the money that can be made by Big Pharma; chemo drugs not only kill cancer cells, they kill healthy cells as well. This makes recovery that much more difficult, resulting in the prescribing of more drugs and more chemo, as the patient lives on. Most cancer patients die from chemotherapy poisoning, before their cancer can kill them. And most chemo drugs CAUSE cancer, in other parts of the body.

Tamoxifen is the #1 drug prescribed to women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer; it has been labeled a carcinogen by the WorldHealth Organization and the American Cancer Society. Nobody ever talks about that, before prescribing it; I only found out, after I began taking it…I did some homework.

By 2020, more than half of all cancer cases will be medically induced, because of drugs or radiation. That means that the medical establishment, itself, will soon become the leading cause of cancer in America.

Cancer doesn’t kill…the complications from it are what kills people. Liver failure, sepsis, kidney failure, pneumonia, etc. will be what kills the cancer patient…and only after that patient is exposed to chemo and radiation treatments.

About 97% of patients who are given chemo die within 5 years, says the 2004 edition of The Journal of Oncology. Chemo is NOT your only chance…that’s a lie!!

The folks who blend the chemotherapy drugs have to wear what resembles a HazMat suit, because the chemicals they're handling are TOXIC!! Why do we allow them to put that stuff inside us, if they’re not even allowed to come in contact with it, while they mix it up??

Hippocrates said this....

He's known as the founder of medicine; Hippocratic medicine treated the patient, and not just the disease. Today, that's known as Functional Medicine.

The Truth about Cancer: A Global Quest discusses several methods of Functional Medicine in treating and beating cancer.

I’ve learned SO much, thanks to this docu-series! We’ve all been lied to, at the expense of our health; it’s time to learn the truth!!

This docu-series is full of survivor stories, and information from experts who are aware of the truth. These experts are putting their careers on the line to bring the truth out into the open; some of them are even risking losing their license to practice medicine, just so everyone can learn the truth.

Here is the link to purchase this docu-series; trust me, it's an investment you won't regret making!!

If you'd like to own the Extended Edition, click here.

Please consider purchasing this docu-series...every one of us deserves to know the truth! It's time to take the bull by the horns are eliminate cancer, once and for all!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Raise Awareness by Taking Off Your Bra…Are You Kidding Me??

It’s been declared that today is National #NoBraDay…it’s supposed to be a Breast Cancer Awareness thing; personally, I think it’s the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard!!

Breast Cancer (or any cancer) is NOT a fashion statement!! It’s not a trend, a social club, or a badge of honor, either…IT’S A DISEASE, AND ITS JOB IS TO KILL YOU!!

This, my friends, is awareness.....

Mastectomy scar on a man. Yes, they can get breast cancer, too!

Mastectomy scar on a woman...complete with drainage tube.
Chemotherapy feels a lot less peaceful than this looks.

The Breast Self Exam...DO IT!!
Symptoms of Breast Cancer

It is my opinion that the focus needs to shift from awareness, to prevention and curing those who have it. Only about 5% to 10% of breast cancer diagnoses are thought to be hereditary, caused by abnormal genes passed from parent to child; the rest were preventable!

To prevent breast (or any other) cancer, do the following:

  • If you smoke…stop!!
  • Eat more raw, organic whole foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and whole grains; cut down on your consumption of meat and dairy
  • Exercise several times a week, every week
  • Limit your intake of alcohol
  • Stop eating processed foods and junk/fast food
    • No more canned foods, convenience foods, chips, snack cakes, etc.
    • No more trips to Burger King, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, etc.
  • Use natural skin/hair care products
  • DIY your cleaning products, to reduce exposure to chemicals
  • Switch to glass food storage containers
    • Even the BPA-free stuff is made with toxic chemicals
  • Use natural sunscreens (read the ingredient lists!)
    • You can also go DIY. Here’s a recipe from Wellness Mama

Taking off your bra for the day is not going to bring awareness to anything, other than the fact that you’re not wearing your bra. Put it back on!

If you really want to raise awareness…share this Blog post!! I’ve been in a battle for my life, for the last three years; I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer, in July 2012.

Here's a link to the beginning of my journey. Happy reading, and have a blessed day!!