
Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Few Small Updates

Good morning, my loves! I just wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some things...the first "small update" is BIG news!!

My granddaughter has been born! She came into the world two days ago, and is the light of my life! Per my youngest daughter's wishes, I am not permitted to show you any pictures; but her name is Alice, and she weighed 8 lbs 2 oz at birth. She's beautiful!! And, officially speaking as a newborn Grammy...I can't wait to see my little angel; I'll be heading to Atlanta, in September, for the official meet-n-greet!

Next chemo pill (Xeloda) is officially kicking my butt!! I was so tired, last night, I went to bed at 9:30pm (I can typically stay up until midnight). I've been able to tolerate four pills a day (haven't thrown up, yet); so after this bottle is empty, I'll take a break for a week, and start the next bottle, taking five pills a day.

My Oncologist wants to try and get me back up to six pills a day, if I can tolerate it. So far, on this reduced dose, the only side effects I'm experiencing are some minor hair loss and serious fatigue.

Last update...still praying that God will open doors for me to be able to move to Knoxville, by the end of the year. Of course, I understand that it's all about His timing, not mine. But, I've discovered that most of the apartments I qualify for have dishwashers, and some have washer/dryer hookups!

I've also discovered that there's a "Whole Foods" type store in the Knoxville area that will take food stamps (being on disability, I had to go on food stamps to be able to feed myself); and I'll be living within the city limits, so I'll be able to take the bus wherever I need to go...which will come in handy, since I don't own a vehicle! LOL!

I'm totally excited about the new life God has planned for me! And, I'm completely grateful that He continues to give me another day! I'm blessed beyond measure, and glad I can share my life with you!!

Have a great day!! oxoxox

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Oops...My Life, a Month Later

Good morning! The last Blog I wrote was on June 10, 2013; it's exactly one month later. Sorry for the extended absence, I’m afraid I've had a case of writer’s block! LOL!

Not so, today…for the past two nights, I've had the same dream. In this dream, the last thing someone says to me is, “You've got your family, your friends, even your fans online….we (pointing to his wife, and himself) don’t have anyone! It’s just us!” and then, the dream fades away. I don't know who they are, or even if they're actual people; but what he said, and how he said it, broke my heart!

He sounded rather invidious that I've got all these wonderful people in my life, to support and encourage me, through whatever life throws at me. He was undeniably upset about something, although I don’t remember any other part of the dream. I also thought it was interesting that I've had this same dream, two nights in a row; so, I prayed for him and his wife, not even knowing if they were real people. I asked God to open their hearts to the truth, and show them that because they have each other, they have all they need; then I prayed that someone would come into their lives and share the love of Christ with them, so that if they're not saved they would have that opportunity….and make a new friend, to add to their support system, in the process.

I also prayed that, whatever situation they were facing that had them so distressed, would be resolved; and that God would show them favor. It’s a real blessing to be shown the favor of the Lord! I wish I could remember the rest of the dream…I could pray through their situation, if I could remember what was happening to them! Oh, well…if they are real people, and are going through something real, God can take care of it!

This recurrent dream of mine, got me thinking about my own situation, with breast cancer. I am so blessed to have such a strong support system in my family, my friends, and even you!! I want you to know, I truly appreciate having you in my life!

Having breast cancer has become more a blessing in disguise, than a curse; not only have I learned what it takes to take care of myself the way God intended, but He also opened the door for me to share this information with you, and the rest of the world. He continues to open doors for me, blessing me with much more than I deserve...and I am grateful!

I’m reminded of what the doctor at the hospital said, the day he told me “Yep, it’s breast cancer, and it’s in Stage 4”, he also said “This is what you’ll die from”. It’s been a year, folks…I was diagnosed on July 3, 2012!! I’m still alive and well, today, because God’s got a plan for my life, and He’s not done yet!

And, since I'm here, I may as well update you...I'm on another cycle of chemo. This one's a pill called Xeloda; I started taking them the last week of June, and I'm supposed to take six pills...three in the morning, and three at night. I quickly found out that that was too much to handle!

During the last weekend of June, my girls and I spent time together. It was an interesting weekend (possibly another Blog post); on that Friday, I was throwing up all day! I stopped taking the Xeloda, and realized that what was happening to me was a side effect; so I went without, for the rest of the weekend.

These two pictures are of the skyline, outside our hotel room. Isn't it gorgeous??

I got home on Monday (July 1st) and began taking a significantly reduced dose of this drug; my Oncologist had suggested that I could reduce the dosage, on pill at a time, if I got sick on the six pills a day. However, I really didn't feel comfortable experimenting on myself, like that! I don't want to keep throwing up until I've found the "magic" number! So, I reduced my dosage to one pill in the morning, and another at night. I'm not throwing up, and I feel pretty good!

I have an appointment with him, this Friday, and will be discussing my experiences on this drug. He may want me to increase the dose to the point of getting sick, and then back down, just so we can see how strong a dose I can handle, since I'm supposed to be taking six pills a day. But, I can't speculate...I'll just have to wait until Friday and see what he says. I'll make sure to keep you updated on all of that!

Hey, I'm going to go tackle my day, now. I haven't been up for that long, but I'm feeling like it's time for breakfast! LOL! You have a fantastic day, today...and may God bless you, abundantly!!