Happy Valentine's Day, my loves! I hope you're all having a stellar day, today! You mean so much to me, and I appreciate that you're part of my life. You make this journey of mine worth living!!
Love on that special someone a little extra, today. My focus will be on my friends, my family, and you....because if I focus on the one person I don't have in my life, I won't enjoy this day at all. The end of this month marks the anniversary of the day my late husband killed himself; and I just don't want to deal with the pain my heart is trying to feel.
So, my goal is to focus on the joy of the day....and love on all of you.
This journey I've been on has been a roller coaster of ups and downs; I must admit, I prefer the ups. But who wouldn't....right?? A significant up has been getting to know all of you. I've grown fond of all of you, and look forward to sharing more of my ups (and downs) with you, as the years progress.
It's hard to believe it's been almost three years since I was diagnosed. I'm still looking forward to being cancer free for five years; but I have to stay in remission for that day to come. I'll keep you posted on how that develops!
And now, for some updates....
Christmas and New Years were wonderful! I spent almost an entire month at my youngest daughter's house. My granddaughter, Alice, can almost say her name! She says something that sounds more like "Ally", but it's close enough! LOL!
The last time I had been there (for her birthday week), she wasn't walking yet; but as soon as I got there, I watched her toddle across the living room, and was overcome. The only words that came out of my mouth were, "Oh my gosh!" and I almost cried. She's so precious!
Alice is really smart, too. She still doesn't talk, although she knows how; her Daddy says he was the same way, as a baby. He didn't start using words until he was around 2-3 years old. To be honest, Alice doesn't need to use words; when she communicates, there's no mistaking what she's saying. If you can't tell how she feels, by the look on her face, she's not shy about yelling at you. I corrected her a few times, and the look on her face said enough. As with all toddlers, she's not fond of the word "no".
And if she wants something from you, she opens one hand and points to it with the other, repetitively....until she gets what she's after. She's very generous, too; she likes to share her things with those around her, and she enjoys feeding Mommy, when it's mealtime. I was delighted, when she offered to feed me! Playing at the park was fun, too. I couldn't run around with her, but I sure got a ton of photos while she ran around with Mommy and Daddy. LOL!
I took this photo while we were at the park. My Little Angel is growing up!! |
Good news!! I finally moved to Knoxville. I signed my lease before going to my youngest daughter's house; and have been officially occupying my apartment, since mid-January. I must admit, the kitchen is the smallest one I've ever been in, but I adore it! The apartment even comes with emergency call switches, which I love. And the fire alarm works......really well! It's gone off (spontaneously) in the middle of the night, a couple times. LOL!
I've met some of my neighbors; they seem like decent folks. My neighbor across the hall is my hero.....my living room light blew out, and he changed it for me (being short sucks). And I had assumed I was the youngest one here....but have since met a few other disabled people who are younger than me.
I haven't been around town all that much, because my lower back and hips don't appreciate the fact that there are no flat sidewalks (or parking lots); I'm either walking uphill or downhill....and both hurt. The stronger I get, the easier it'll become; I just need to be patient with myself, while I adjust. I'm looking forward to discovering the wonder that is Knoxville!
I have to be honest, I had mixed feelings about being out on my own. It's just me now, so I'm excited about the idea of being able to do things and go places, without worrying about someone else's schedule. But at the same time.....it's just me, now. I'm living alone for the first time in my life; and that's a bit scary. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, so I'm relaxing a bit more about it.
This is the smallest kitchen I've ever had, but it's a perfect size for me!! |
I'm sitting in the recliner...not a bad size for a living room!! |
Everything about this place is ADA approved!! |
Can't wait to add some decor...my bedroom looks empty! LOL! |
Another update for you....I have an Instagram account; if you have one too, come on and follow me! I've been whipping up some good stuff in my kitchen, so I figured it was time to branch out. You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Here's one of the recipes I've made; I adapted it a bit. The original recipe is called Morning Glory Juice; but, I made it a smoothie, because my juicer needs to be replaced. I love my Ninja!! This is the one I use.
10 strawberries
3 carrots
1 banana (not in the original recipe)
1 grapefruit (peeled)
1/2 a lemon (peeled)
2 tsp of powdered ginger (the original recipe calls for fresh ginger)
Juice them, or blend them like I did; I encourage you to try it! I shredded the carrots before blending them; it made it easier. And it is a bit pulpy (I didn't strain it). I'm also thinking about adding some raw honey next time, because it was a little tart for my taste. But it was amazing!!
Well, I'm all out of updates.....for now. Have a spectacular day, my loves! God bless you!!