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I love this picture! I wish all families could be this fortunate!! |
I am neither a Liberal, nor a Conservative...I don't do labels; what I am is a fed up citizen, who has grown tired of all this political grandstanding, judgmentalism, religious posturing, and hate-mongering; and I've come to realize that the United States is no better than the average 3rd world nation! It seems the "important" people are looking down there noses at the less fortunate.
Recently, I did some research in order to comment on a post
by a Facebook page I’m a fan of, concerning meeting the needs of the less
fortunate because you may be the hand of God to them; and the statistics I
learned about ticked me off.
So, please forgive the rant…but, pay attention to what I’m about to
It’s the Christmas season; but there are a few things we seem
to have forgotten. The cold reality of the destitute in the USA…
Recent Statistics (within the last 2 years)
- Vacant Houses – 14.2 million
- Wasted food (not eaten or sold) – 133 billion pounds
- Homeless – 578,424 men, women and children
That is downright disgraceful!! According to the Conservative Right, the United States is a Christian Nation, and the greatest nation on the planet! Why then, in the name of all that is decent, are these statistics even a reality??
Don’t want the US Government to take care of those who are
less fortunate than you?? Then, stop passing the buck!!
You heard me…when you donate to a charity organization (soup
kitchen, clothes closet, etc.), like any decent Christian would, you are LITERALLY passing the buck; you’re
telling them it’s THEIR responsibility to care for the poor, homeless and
And, I've got a news flash for all you Conservative Right-wingers who pat yourselves on the back for being such good Christians, when you religiously donate your tax deductible contributions to charities; you're actually supporting government-funded socialist programs. You're not as against socialism as you thought, eh??
Mark 12:30-31 And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” (NLT)
Matthew 25:34-36 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’....“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ (NLT)
However, the Conservative Right has become so busy arrogantly beating their chests over what it means to be a Christian, that they’ve forgotten what He commanded!! This is what happens when one becomes "high and mighty" in their own sight (Romans 12:13), they lose sight of the greatest commandment we were given!
I was homeless, at one point in my life; it's not a lifestyle anyone desires, trust me. Most of the homeless and destitute don’t get seen by
those charity organizations; which is why they panhandle...in an attempt to
survive, one more day/night. And all of these organizations are bound by rules and regulations (imposed on them by the government) that make it very difficult to properly see to anyone's needs!!
Whenever I had a job, I always looked for someone to help; I’ve
bought food and drink for homeless people who ask me for help, many times. Even
when I didn’t have a job, I still tried to meet the needs of the less
fortunate. I may not have been “earning my keep”, but I still tried to help those
who didn’t have anything.
Sometimes I would deliberately ask them how they were doing,
and wait to hear them tell me what they need. If I couldn’t fill that need,
myself, I would pray that someone would come into their lives that could; but,
I always tried to meet their needs, whenever possible.
That’s what Jesus said we should do…take care of each other!!
There’s even a stipulation as to whom we should be caring for…when you did it
to the least of these. According to Jesus Christ, Himself, we are SUPPOSED to
be caring for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
If you don’t want “Big Gov” to do it, get off your religious
high horses and start doing it yourself!! Share what God has blessed you with…not
with a charity organization, but with an actual needy person.
Buy them some
food, or clothing! Put them up in a hotel, if you don’t want them in your
house. Help them find a job; or hire them, if you own a business!! Find a way to fix up those abandoned houses, and
let a homeless family occupy them! Show some compassion and empathy....HELP THEM!!
I’m not just saying do these because it’s December, and we’re
gearing up for the Christmas holiday…I’m saying do it EVERY day of the year!!
BE the Light of Christ to those who have no hope!!
The Liberal Left wants the world to be a better place for all human beings. They believe in fairness, and equality among ALL people. In fact, I've met more Liberals who are more compassionate, in their every-day lives, than most Conservative Right-wingers. Ain't that something!
Jesus had compassion on the weak (Matthew 9:36)…we need to
practice that, too. THAT is how we’re going to make this world a better place,
for everyone!!
Merry Christmas?? Not for the forgotten...
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This is a scene from the story "The Little Match Girl" I encourage you to read it...this is what we're doing to our own homeless. |