The human body needs to consume fat, to lose fat. And our brains are made mostly of fat, so fat is a necessary part of human growth and development. However, a lot of people, unfortunately, still don't know the difference between good fats and bad fats; so, this Blog will, hopefully, shed some light on the subject.
Bad fats (saturated, hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated and trans) can raise your cholesterol levels and put you at risk for heart disease. They can also cause a host of other health concerns like high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and obesity.
Good fats (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and fatty acids) can help you lower your cholesterol and your blood pressure, lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, and build lean muscle mass. So, as much as you might love a nice, juicy steak...a broiled salmon fillet will do your body more good, in the long run.
In keeping with my Wizard of Oz idea, I'll post lists of some of the different sources of bad fats and good fats....

- Almonds and walnuts
- Avocados
- Seeds & seed oils (pumpkin, sunflower, flax, etc.)
- Olives and olive oil
- Peanuts and peanut butter
- Cold water fish
- Coconut oil
Bad Fats
- High fat cuts of meat
- Whole fat dairy products
- Lard
- Commercially baked goods
- Packaged snack foods
- Margarine
- Fried foods
Those fried food'll really get ya! And, if you're going to broil or bake your chicken, make sure to take the skin off, before you cook it...that's another source of bad fat.
I definitely encourage you to do your own research, and learn more about the what foods to avoid and which ones are beneficial, when it comes to the type of fat. Especially when it comes to the overall function of the brain.
The things that we eat directly, or indirectly, affect our brains, in some manner. Our brains are our central core...they are responsible for not only our thought and reasoning skills, but also for the involuntary inner workings of our nervous systems, and our hearts & lungs. Our brains are, in essence, our home...without them, we cannot exist.
So, eat lots of good fats, and stay away from the bad fats if you can....because what they say is true...
"There's no place like home!" oxoxox
So, eat lots of good fats, and stay away from the bad fats if you can....because what they say is true...
"There's no place like home!" oxoxox
Enjoyed your post.