
Monday, May 13, 2013

General Updates's been almost a month, since my last Blog entry! Sorry about that...I've been otherwise occupied! LOL!!

Ok, so here are some updates for you:

First of all....Happy (belated) Mother's Day, to all you Mommies out there; I hope yesterday was full of love and great memories for you! Mine was not too bad...although I only heard from my girls; my son isn't really that keen on remembering minor holidays...the big ones like Christmas and Easter, are easier to remember. But, I wish him well, where ever he is!

Next...I've been working on my crochet project. I'm making a blanket for my granddaughter...July is fast approaching!! I can't wait to hold her in my arms, and smother her with hugs and kisses!! I'm going to LOVE being a Grammy!!

I've also had some issues with dental health, recently. I suffered from a terrible abscess, a couple weeks ago. I've got several broken teeth (seven, to be exact), and one of them decided it was time to get infected. After I was well again, I scheduled an appointment with a dentist, who referred me to an oral surgeon so I can get those broken teeth removed. I was so happy when my dentist told me I didn't have to lose all of my teeth!! LOL! After I get the broken teeth removed, I'll start the process to get a set of partials, so I can eat real food, again!

And, I'm totally getting excited for my back-to-back trips to the Atlanta area, coming soon! In June, some friends and family are invading Atlanta to shower my youngest daughter with tons of love and support; she said she didn't want a traditional baby shower! So, our Atlanta Weekend will be all about her; the plan includes lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, and lots of shopping, the last weekend of June! LOL!! And, around the last weekend of July, I'm planning on spending a few days with her and her boyfriend, in their new house. It'll be my official "Meet Up" with my new granddaughter!

I'm not getting anywhere, leaving the responsibility of ending  the marriage to my estranged husband, either. Looks like I'm going to have to be the one to get the ball rolling; he keeps telling me he doesn't have a job, so it's going to take a while for him to be able to file the papers. I don't know why he just doesn't borrow the money from someone else...he's very good at conning people out of money! Oh,'s not the first time I've had to be the responsible one, in this relationship. I'll be glad when it's all over!!

Let's see....what else is there to update? Oh, yes....I'm promoting my Facebook page, and would love if you'd go "Like" it; the link is here! I'm spending more time on Facebook, than anywhere else, online; so it just makes sense to steer folks toward the social media platform I use most often.

I have my own business card, too!!

Thanks for sticking around, as I continue my journey; your love and support mean a great deal to me!! oxoxox

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