
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

It's been a while!

Sorry about that, folks...I've been a little focused on life, and haven't taken the time to blog, for a while.

Since my last Blog, I've transitioned from regular Physical Therapy, to a program called Phase II. I'm still doing the same exercises, same routine, but I'm doing it all on my own!! I no longer have a Physical Therapist! She did tell me that if I needed her, she'd be there to help me...I even asked her to "introduce me" to one of the machines I wasn't too familiar with, yet! LOL!! This is kind of what it looks like...

My reps and my weights are increasing, on all my weight bearing exercises.....and I FINALLY walked for a solid 20 minutes, on the treadmill (my speed is at 1.5)!! Super excited about that!! I almost felt like dancing, when I saw the treadmill's timer said I was approaching the 20 minute mark! LOL!!

This bird's got the right idea!! LOL!!

My hair is still very short, seems to be growing slowly, at about 1/2 an inch per month. Not complaining, though...I don't mind the short do, at all! I'm merely stating this because prior to chemo, my hair grew pretty quickly, and now it's not growing all that fast. I was told there would be changes, after chemo....there are a lot of differences, now...I'm a whole new person!

Since my diet changed (clean eating now), I've noticed when I do indulge in something not-so-good, my body can't handle it, anymore. The other day, I ate a serving of canned chicken and dumplings, and within about 45 minutes I began to feel sluggish; then my stomach began to bother me. It was not nice, at all!

Let me tell you about what I eat, now....

I'm now known as a flexitarian; I eat mostly fresh fruits, fresh veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains; I also eat real cheese and real butter, and meat/eggs on occasion. Very rarely do I venture into the aisles, because that's where all the processed foods are located.

When I eat meat (beef, pork, chicken, etc) I make sure the package says "no hormones" and "no antibiotics". Some of the meats I've been purchasing also say "grass fed". The eggs I buy come from free-range chickens. And I've recently switched to almond milk, rather than cow's milk. Getting healthy, and staying healthy!!

When I do brave the aisles in the middle of the store, it's to get things like Couscous, whole grain pasta, organic sauces, multi-grain bread, brown rice, tapioca, organic soup, specific herbs and spices, and extra virgin olive oil.

Goodness...all this talk about food is making me hungry! LOL!! I think I'll fix some whole grain pasta, with organic pasta sauce, and a nice salad! Thanks for stopping by...have a great evening!

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