
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What's Raw Foodism?

Raw Foodism is not a recent's actually been going on for centuries. Adam and Eve were "Raw Foodists" (Genesis 1:11-12). The modern day philosophy behind raw foodism is that most of your foods should be uncooked; the trend is approximately 80% raw, 20% cooked.

If you're a person who frequents the inside isles of the store, buying a plethora of boxed, packaged, or canned foods, and you eat a piece of uncooked fruit, or any uncooked vegetable, you're eating raw foods. You are a raw foodist, at that point. And, I'm sure most of you eat some fresh fruits and vegetables, from time to time!

Cooking your fruits and vegetables, depletes the nutrient value of that food. The idea behind a raw food diet is that our bodies will be better nourished by the foods we don't cook; this is why, if you're going to cook any veggies, you should steam them instead; you can also stir-fry them, as well. Steaming and stir-frying will allow most of the nutrients to remain in your fruits and vegetables, while at the same time, providing you with a hot dish.

Some of the benefits of a raw food lifestyle are higher enzyme levels, vitamin and mineral levels, higher levels of antioxidents and phytonutrients, less free radicals, less denatured proteins (those are processed), and improved digestion. There are variations of how to follow a raw food lifestyle. I've posted some links at the end of this Blog, as resources for you, if you're considering becoming a Raw Foodist.

As beneficial as raw foods are, convenience (processed foods) are devoid of nutrient value. A steady diet of these types of foods is a one way ticket to health issues like cancer, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and malnutrition. A friend of mine has a Blog, and she does a great series called Processed Foods Exposed, where she breaks down the bad in foods that we've been told are good for us! I encourage you to check this out!

And, as previously mentioned, here's that list:

The Benefits and Challenges of a Raw Food Diet (5 part series)

From SAD to RAW

Raw Guru

Raw Food Diet

Foodie 411: Raw Food Diet

The Raw Food Word Store

The Rawtarian (recipes!)

The Dangers of Processed Foods

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments! oxoxox

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