
Monday, March 4, 2013

Don't Worry, Be Happy (Part 2)

A few weeks ago, I wrote a Blog about what worrying does to your health; I was planning to touch on that subject a bit more. However, I'm getting the feeling I should take this in another I will! LOL! You can read that Blog, here.

The other day, some of my new friends blessed me by telling me I was an of them specifically said it was because I can keep a positive attitude, even at a low point.

I just want you all to know how honored I am that you are a part of my journey! I may have only met you a short time ago, but I consider you all very good friends; and I'm thankful, and I bless God, for having you in my life! LOL!

I don't know why/how I'm able to stay so up-beat, except to say it is by the grace of God. I've had some pretty low points, these past 8 months...the first one being the day my Oncologist told me I was going to die from Stage 4 Breast Cancer. Instead of bursting into tears, as would've been the expected reaction, I looked at him and calmly stated "No, I won't." I'm only in my early 40s....dying is not on my Bucket List! LOL!

And throughout my time with Physical Therapy, I got frustrated with my newly disabled body (quite a number of times) because I couldn't do specific things that I was able to do, before the surgery. I couldn't walk, I was hooked up to a catheter for days before I was able to get out of bed to use the bedside commode; I couldn't even lift a 4-lb dumbbell over my head! I never realized just how much was impossible, or phenomenally difficult to do, until I had the experience, first hand!

Learning to walk again was frustrating, all by itself...I've been walking since I was toddler! I know I can do it, so why was it so hard, now?? I guess that's one of the reasons they call it "major surgery"; not only did they remove a part of my spinal column, but my body was thrown into shock, and I had to re-establish myself, as a capable human being.

I spent more time in one of these, than I cared to; but I was thankful to have one!

As I progressed in my healing, the hospital staff and the staff at the rehab center were all completely amazed at how quickly I was getting along. Apparently, I wasn't supposed to be able to do as much as I showed them I could do! LOL! And everyone enjoyed my infectiously good mood! Even on my bad days, I took it all in stride; everyone's going to have a bad day, now and then. What you do with it, is what counts the most!

Even my Physical Therapist was amazed at my progress; the day I walked for a solid 20 minutes, on the treadmill, she beamed at me and said "you are awesome...good job!" I still have a long way to go...but I've definitely come a long way, in this short time!

Now, I could easily focus on everything I've gone through, and lost, these past few months (I've been diagnosed with a terminal illness, my husband left me, I'm homeless, I have no job, I have nothing to leave my kids when I die, I'm disabled, etc) But I've learned to focus on what's right, in my life, rather than what's wrong.

Here's a small list of what I choose to focus on, and be thankful for...

  • My senses work; I can see, taste, touch, hear and smell
  • My nerve endings work; and they keep me mindful of what I've done to myself! LOL!!
  • I can breathe...I'm alive!
  • I can smile, cry, laugh, etc.
  • I am fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139:14)
  • I have a roof over my head, clothes on my body and food in my belly! (thanks to my sister!)
  • I have a bed to sleep in! (thanks to my sister!)
  • I have friends and family members who love me, and are standing by me as I fight!

Every day I wake up, is another day to be thankful for what I have, instead of being focused on what's wrong. I am determined to live, folks; and I am determined to stay upbeat and positive, regardless of where life takes me! I will fight for my life for as long as I can; and, with God's grace, I will complete my Bucket List in its entirety. My life is in God's hands, and He's got plans for me!

Oh...and I have something else to add to my Bucket List. I'm going to be a first-time Grandma, this July; my youngest daughter is due July 25th! So, I added "Become the World's Greatest Grammy" to my list! LOL! Life is good!!

Here's the video that started my whole philosophy...

Have a blessed day! oxoxox


  1. Let me say this once again, Melissa - you truly ARE an inspiration.

    People sometimes criticize me for talking about "cancer survivorship" because they think I (and everyone else involved in it) mean "to have been cured of cancer." That couldn't be further from the truth.

    From the day you are first diagnosed, you become a cancer survivor. As long as you're still here, you're surviving it. As many people with metastatic disease know, you can survive it for a very long time indeed. And you sure are doing a grand job of it, Grandma-to-be! (Many congratulations, by the way.)

    WTG, brave lady!

    Sz xx

  2. In this post you said: "the day I walked for a solid 20 minutes, on the treadmill, she beamed at me and said 'you are awesome...good job!'..."

    Girl, MANY so-called "healthy" people have a hard time walking for a full 20 minutes on a treadmill! So, bravo to you and keep up the good work. I admire you and you ARE an inspiration. One that I will be recommending to my son, Raymond, as he is just beginning his cancer survivorship.

    1. Pam, I'm looking forward to sharing your son's journey with him! I hope I can help him overcome cancer as well as I have! God is good!!
