
Sunday, March 17, 2013

I'm Still Here!!

Sorry for the absence, folks....I've been a bit busy, these days! LOL! My wish for you, today, is that your St. Patty's Day celebration is everything you hoped for, and then some!

I woke up, this morning, with a great idea, and I hope that all of you participate! In order for you to participate, though, I must ask you a question...what would you like me to Blog about? 

That's right....I want YOU to come up with topics for my Blog!

The only rule has to be health related; it can be about any health related subject (disease, exercise, nutrition, etc), including an elaboration of a Blog I've already posted, or one that you've already posted! You decide!!

With every suggested Blog topic, I will be giving you credit for the topic, and linking back to your Google+ profile (or Blog, if that's the topic).

Leave your suggestions in the comments section below, and I'll get right on it! I know I'm connected to a large number of people, but I do want everyone to participate!! LOL!

I hope to hear from all of you! Have a blessed day!! oxoxox


  1. I would be interested to know how you coped with telling your children about your cancer, and how they handled it. My own son was 11 when I was diagnosed the first time and 13 the second time, so didn't really absorb the full implications. But your kids must have been all grown up.
